Who We Are
Pieter Cohen, MD
Dr. Pieter Cohen along with his colleague Dr. Hochman co-founded the educational series “Updates in Slow Medicine.” Dr. Cohen is a general internist at Cambridge Health Alliance in Somerville, Massachusetts and Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. His area of clinical expertise and research includes weight loss, preventive medicine and dietary supplements. His work has been published in the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, JAMA Internal Medicine and the American Journal of Public Health. You may e-mail Dr. Cohen at: PCohen@challiance.org
Michael Hochman, MD, MPH
Dr. Michael Hochman is a board certified general internist who attended Harvard Medical School. He completed his residency in internal medicine at the Cambridge Health Alliance and completed a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars fellowship at the University of California, Los Angeles. Dr. Hochman has written for the Boston Globe and other lay media publications, and is the founding editor of the 50 Studies Every Doctor Should Know series published by Oxford University Press. In addition, Dr. Hochman enjoys teaching and has won several clinical teaching awards. Currently, Dr. Hochman is the director of the Gehr Family Center for Health Systems Science & Innovation at the Keck School of Medicine of USC, in Los Angeles. You may e-mail Dr. Hochman at: mhochman@med.usc.edu.